Our humble story

Lotech Flameworks is a passion project resulting from decades of product development and branding projects for other people. I have had my hands in many successful product launches and ventures spanning several industries. At some point you just step back and ask yourself why am I doing this for everyone else?

Something that I’ve learned time and again while branding and marketing countless projects in nearly every industry… Simple is always best. Our fire pit is just that, simple.

Simple design, simple function, simple comfort, and provides a simple solution to a basic need to which, most of the world can relate. Fire has stood the test of time and will likely be a part of humanity’s future on this planet indefinitely.

The community camp fire has been a binding element for our species, some say for upwards of 1 million years. It is literally in our DNA. Even in today’s age of tech our raw instinct compels us to lean on fire for survival.

In this adventure I’ve learned that the firepit industry currently sits at $240m annually. And is projected to steadily increase over the coming years. A massive 86% of U.S. households have some sort of outdoor living space and many of them with some sort of fire feature.

This story begins with the humble venture to find the perfect fire pit for my Wife’s Christmas present. We had recently lost our home in the Northern California fires and with it a vintage fire pit that while not ideal, regardless got a ton of use. So 2 years later, after we were back on our feet and settled I decided it was time.

Of course it doesn’t take long to realise that Pinterest is by far the best place to spend countless hours on end wasting away on your phone and laptop. It really gave me a clear overall picture of what was available... and what was not.

I just wasn’t satisfied. After quickly getting frustrated with redundant search results, it finally hit me… I have resources. I am after all a designer for God’s sake and I have clients in nearly every industry. No sooner did I hear it in my head when I was presented with the idea of a lifetime, or at least my lifetime. All of my aimless wanderings in the world of product ventures seemed to culminate in that single moment in time. My mind immediately mashed up a few unrefined concepts into what is known now as the SpirePit™

The SpirePit™ is named as such because it feels like standing in the presence of something bigger, something monumental. Something ancient and even, well... spiritual.

I would very much like to provide you this experience. Contact Us today to learn more about the process. The design, function and journey of something great and with a lasting, surprising yet subtle impact. Something incredibly simple. Something that might just become a lifetime favorite.